First post!! about me

julia angeles
2 min readDec 23, 2020

Hi there, I really do not know how to start this kind of thing. I have a friend who writes blogs and it caught my attention. Wanna know a cliche fact about me? I have a black notebook here and I write whatever feeling that I feel at that moment. I really want to tell my story by writing. am I bisexual or pansexual? I really do not know. but a friend of mine told me that It is I who will label myself. (But honestly,I think I am a pansexual.) I am 22 year old today. no work but i am waiting for something (shhh). I am currently single but I like this one girl and she’s 20 years old. Technically I have issues when it comes to age but I really like this one. Let’s just call her as “P”.

Should I talk about her? Well actually to be honest, I made this account to express my feelings.

But I want you to know first why I’m like this all of a sudden.

so this is how it all started. I was actually straight when I went to college. I had my boyfriend but did not last that long and I jumped into an another relationship and met this other guy. (well, you know what comes next). I was not out that time. in discretion I’m having crushes on other girls but that was it.

But then, everything turned upside down when I met this one girl who became my girlfriend.

She became my everything, but it was tragic. my heart was broken four times by her. I never learned when it comes to her but someone saved me from that tragic. I was very into that loop thankfully my friend saved me. Let’s call her “overboard”. We were the best of us. but then mother nature decided to say otherwise.

We eventually entered into a relationship.

I am thankful to her for being by my side through my fragile stage. she was there whenever i needed someone to talk to, someone to drink with and someone who will listen to every rants I have. she was my friend and my lover all through out.

Wind always blow and changes it’s direction. this quarantine had been very rough for us and we decided to end things in order to grow.

It’s been five months since we broke up. As you can see, I always end up and get into another relationship, but then after my overboard, I decided no to enter any relationship. I really want to breathe and not to think of any one but myself.

I told myself, I will never allow anyone to take advantage of me and love them more than myself.

PS: yes, the person I like is kinda my long time crush. so do not worry because Im taking it slow and guarding my heart 100 percent.

